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Game Prototype: Enemy Manager

To make gameplay more challenging, each level will have enemies to take down the player. We created an Enemy Class and used the sprite shown in the Assets Draft Post for the enemy. The animation for these sprites were handled using an animation class.

Since the enemies on the levels would appear and behave exactly the same, we created an Enemy Manager Class. This class will create a list that will hold all the enemy objects that have been created and apply the same behaviour to each one. Using the Enemy Manager Class, we made it so that the enemies would patrol a short distance, the area they were spawned at. When the player approaches their detection range, enemies will start hunting and attacking the player. Enemies will also have the same damage and amount of health. When an enemy has been defeated, they will be removed from the list, thus removing them from the level.

Enemy Demo:

(This is just and example for demonstration purposes)

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