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Game Prototype: Player

The team has started development on creating a prototype for Phantom Projects. Each member of the team was assigned different parts of the game to start development on.

The most important element for this game is the Player itself. For the Player class we used the sprites shown on the Assets Draft Post and started working on getting the assets loaded into MonoGame. This was a simple process to do, but we also needed to animate these textures to make movement look natural rather than having a still texture glide around the levels. For this we we created an Animation Class, which will be used to handle all the animations we need for the game.

Using the animation class, we animated all of the Player's sprites and added keyboard and controller input for movement. This was the final result:

Once the left and right movement was complete. We started working on adding a jumping mechanic as well as gravity. The process was fairly simple and was implemented right away, alongside a few checks for collision. We had to make sure that the player was colliding with tiles properly otherwise you'd fall right through the level. These checks would check if the player was touching any side of the tile and carry out the appropriate collision for it. For example if the player was standing on top of the block they wouldn't fall through, or if the player jumped up and hit a tile, they won't go through it and instead be pushed back down.

The Player class also holds a variable for the Player's health and checks if it has reached 0. However, there is no visual representation of the Player's health as of this moment, but will be added as development continues. Once the player's health reaches 0, the player will be removed from the game and the game over screen will be displayed once it has been created.


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